The dude on the left is dropping sarin gas

writing about what I view of the channel that shows our decision makers at work

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am constantly fascinated with the culture of rhyme and rhythm funny how similar those two words are. Root?
well a stab I took at it. as I stewed after my first anthropology 'evolution 1001' class where he has the huts bah to mention morality. Placating this idea of right and wrong that I would assume one would loose when studying nature, as nature does it's thing and there isn't much reason or purpose to it, like humanity we are just a form of nature, but he failed to explain the in depth. arrgh Charlie brown

Take religion to the people

take the people to the steeple

religion don't give hope

it only makes one feeble

its been a tool of the rich

for holdin down the poor

hoping that the problems go away

or are eventually ignored

so the poor people keep on praying

but heaven don't give answers

it only makes one think that

therez an everlasting master

so insteada calling on humanity

man keeps kneeling for insanity

singing for a mission

to a god that ain't existin

but they don't teach darwin

to the children anymore

don't teach any sex-ed

afraid the children turn to whores

so the fundamentalists win

and reason burns in hell

cause facts aren't ever heard

over the ringin of church bells

so people in the mosque

the temple or in churches

realize that you've lost

your ignorance is perverted

into guns violence and death

into greed, hatred and excess

so that which you ignore

kills like conquistadors

no more aztec, no more inca

wiped them out like Katrina

god ain't giving then no help

god's like a glorified FEMA

and old books are full of promises

that never seem to get met

so insteada wasting prayers

I'm go on offensive like the Tet

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A skeptical NBA fanatic who tries to raise children by say and wait tables by night. Making jokes is a side hobby and puns are specialty. Reads news, thinks about city planning, transportation, and why anything exists.