I watched a show on jonestown last night. I had heard briefly of "the jonestown massacre" but never really knew the whole story. The believe system of these people was a bit off but they had good intentions it seemed like except for the leader Jim Jones. Well anyways they all took poison after being brainwashed sort of. But more importantly the Congressman Leo Ryan died in the massacre as he was investigating what was going on. His investigative technique is something admirable, rather then just going around in a big building in Watchington he actually went out and did something and not just when there was a disaster or it was good for his publicity (even though maybe it was) but it seems like he tried to experience the problems firsthand that he wanted to change rather then being told about them by a sub committee intern or a lobbyist group, its one thing to be informed I say and it's another thing to be experienced, and many of the people in our government are experienced in things that are purely political, filled with lawyers doctors businessmen, and just plain old rich kids who went to yale and coasted on their parents coattails.
I once saw a speech on CSPAN by Tony Hall who after serving in the peace corps was a congressmen from Dayton Ohio for a long time. He then succeeded George McGovern in a US ambassador to the UN agriculture something something yadda yadda, well he talked about being in Somalia when there was a large groups of a couple hundred refugees or displaced persons walking to where they were told would be aid, he said they went to the deserted place to meet the people to inform then that there was no aid, when the mass of people got there after traveling for a couple days without hardly any food or water, he described that when they heard the news many of them gave up hope and just collapsed on the ground, resolved to die. I think maybe people in government need to experience how shitty the world is in order that they stop arguing over menial shit like steroids in baseball, or video games or any other thing that is a waste of time. Things like that should be done out of session if congressmen really give a shit, cause it shouldn't be something they get paid to do.

The dude on the left is dropping sarin gas
writing about what I view of the channel that shows our decision makers at work
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- Nolan
- A skeptical NBA fanatic who tries to raise children by say and wait tables by night. Making jokes is a side hobby and puns are specialty. Reads news, thinks about city planning, transportation, and why anything exists.
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