Virgina Tech, is going to be used in so many ways, and I question how the media will use it or the government, already in class I heard one of the students talk about a lack of response, that it shouldn't have happened, and the reaction time wasn't enough.
with that being said, I wnder what the focus will be in how to prevent these sort of events from occuring.
How will tragedy be used, like other tragedy in our country what will the focus be in prevention?
Should we become more fearful and report incident more so that response becomes larger or as the classmate would say 'quicker'
I also got an odd message from that social networking giant facebook from a person in a domestic violence group who allerted me to the fact that domestic abuse was involved.
This issue will get dismissed as only part of the reason.
I tried to look some things up on the quite unreliable internet, but I think if I looked deeper that domestic violence would be related to many of those who were involved in shootings. They say the murder rate by those with 'intimate' status is high. Domestic violence should be the focus of this incident. Good should come out of it not fear, not lock down. Lets do the opposite of what we were told to do on 9/11 when bush said "go shopping"
Lets use this instance to take notice of those around us, to strengthen relationships, to get to know your neighbors so if you do hear yelling at night you know if you should call the authorities or realize it might just be hot passionate sex.
Pass it on, tell a classmate or a neighbor, a family member, someone, don't let this tragedy be used to have us fear.

The dude on the left is dropping sarin gas
writing about what I view of the channel that shows our decision makers at work
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- Nolan
- A skeptical NBA fanatic who tries to raise children by say and wait tables by night. Making jokes is a side hobby and puns are specialty. Reads news, thinks about city planning, transportation, and why anything exists.
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You write very well.
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